Oral Steroids (66 Offers)

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 20 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Oral Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 20 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results

Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Presentation: 100 Pills
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Producer: Dragon Pharma
Administration: By Mouth
Lab Tested: Check Results
Oral steroids
Oral steroids are famous among athletes as they are powerful and easier to use when compared to injectable steroids. Oral steroids could produce quicker results at rate faster than injectable types. Dianabol ( Dbol) is the 1st oral steroid that has been created in the market and users of such steroid will observe faster progress within days and just four to six week course could enhance weight around twenty to thirty lbs and you will experience increased aggression and strength, it’s no miracle that this steroid has been very famous for long time. Though Dianabol is a very famous oral steroid, there are other popular ones with lot of power and favorite for athletes who want to enhance the performance.
Oral steroids like Anavar, Winstrol and Anadrol are generally used by athletes to improve size and strength, but Anadrol has properties to increase mass while Anavar and Winstrol contain anabolic properties which are suitable for strength. Though oral steroids are powerful and effective, it is suggested that they should not be used alone since they can stop the production of natural testosterone and you should apply some alternate solutions to solve this problem. Injectable testosterone is the best way to maintain constant levels of testosterone in the body, also when using oral steroids along with it the power will be enhanced. Certain oral steroids won’t have hard impact on Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular Axis like others, Anavar is considered as mild drug in this case but it will suppress testosterone to some extent.
Anabolic steroids and different categories of medications including Aspirin do not have potential side effects. Most of oral steroids have altered structure and are 17-alpha alkylated to make them survive after passing through liver when administered orally. Without this change in chemical structure, the artificial steroids entering the blood stream will get eliminated by liver without any reaction in the body.
This change in chemical structure will permit oral steroids to pass through liver and it could really toxic on liver. The oral steroids have greater toxic impact on liver; certain oral steroids like Halotestin can be harsher on liver than other steroids like Primobolan. The degree of harshness will vary among different oral steroids. Hence it’s suggested not to use oral steroids for longer time period, while most anabolic steroid cycles can extend for time period of twelve to sixteen weeks and in majority of cases it will be four to six weeks of complete oral steroids in an entire cycle. Also, it must be considered that liver can produce enzymes because of toxic effects of the steroids and if used carelessly can lead to negative effects. But if used at right dosage, then the enzyme levels will return to proper levels after usage of steroids is discontinued.
When considering steroids, it is very important that you check with doctor before you start using them. People who have high cholesterol or high blood pressure must come under control before they start using it. You should make sure that you read risks behind it and be careful while using it in order to avoid negative side effects. You should use only popular brands and this can give you an enjoyable experience of using oral steroids.
Steroid sachets
Steroid sachets are just anabolic steroids that are packed in sachets. It means that you get similar anabolic agents under new packages. Being controlled substances, you can legally purchase steroids only if you have valid prescription from your doctor. If steroids are used for non-medical purpose, it is considered illegal but many inventive chemists and business people have come up with steroids in sachets to get over such hurdles. Steroids sachets can easily pass through detection of postal workers and customs officers. They are disguised as massage oil or some other packages and there will not be any marking to find out whether they are steroid sachets.
Steroid sachets are generally two inch high and two inches wide and not more than quarter inch thick. The sachet is filled 3.5ml of anabolic steroid inside it. As some part of the solution will get stuck in syringe or passage, you will lose 0.5ml of the drug and you can be sure to receive 3ml from a sachet. High grade, multi-layered materials are used for packing such steroids to ensure the contents are safeguarded from exterior elements like damages while shipping, climatic changes etc. Steroid sachets can remain stable for period of five years.