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GP M.D. 0.00 USD


General information:

Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
10 mL Vial
75 mg/mL
Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Administration: By Intramuscular Injection


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Buy Legit GP M.D. by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

GP M.D. by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an injectable steroid which contains 75mg per ml of Methandriol Dipropionate.

Methandriol is a derivative of the hormone dihydrotestosterone. This preparation of the drug has the propionate ester added which makes the half life several days in the body.

Methandriol Dipropionate (M.D.) is a form of the water-dissolved Methandriol but it remains effective for a longer period of time. On the one hand, M.D. can be dissolved in oil for injection purposes and, on the other hand, it is produced in tablet form since it is also effective when taken orally M.D. has a strong anabolic and andro-genic component so that it is suitable for the buildup of strength and muscle mass. The effect can be compared to a cross between Deca-Durabolin and Testosterone enanthate. Like testosterone it con- tributes to a gain in both strength and muscle but does not retain more water than Deca-Durabolin. The best results can be obtained, however, if M.D. is not taken alone but in combination with an- other steroid. This is because M.D. is able to magnify the effects of other steroid compounds. It does this by increasingly sensitizing the androgenic receptors of the muscle cell, allowing a higher amount of the steroid molecules of the additionally taken steroids to be ab- sorbed by the receptors. This also explains why injectable M.D. is only available today as a combination compound with an additional steroid substance.

Early prescribing guidelines for methandriol recommend a dosage of 25mg a day given 2 to 5 times a per week. For bodybuilding and performance enhancing purposes, a typical dosage is in the range of 200-400mg per week with the injectable preparation of this steroid. Cycles generally last no more than 6-8 weeks in an effort to minimize hepatotoxicity and strain on the liver since this drug is a C-17aa. This level of use is sufficient for moderate gains in muscle size and strength, which may be accompanied by a low level of water retention.



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