Legal Steroids

There is much popularity about androgenic and anabolic steroids, but at present there are many legal steroids. Most of the online pharmacies and steroids sites offer different legal steroids such as prohormones. But can legal steroids can be really effective?

Based on Anabolic steroid control Act released by US in 1990, anabolic and androgenic steroids are controlled drugs, defined as drug or hormonal substance derived from testosterone. There are exemptions of estrogens, corticosteroids and progestin. There were some changes to the act during 2004 and now there is new version of Anabolic Steroid Control Act that was published in 2004. There were some amendments to the law including addition of new items to list of controlled substances including tetrahydrogestrinone, androtenedione, prohormones and various chemical substances. The usage of such items is publishable and considered as felony.

Hence should be consider prohormones as illegal or legal steroids? You should admit the entire thing is totally confusing. You can take some further look about prohormones. They are precursors to hormone with effects similar to hormone. The prohormones will get converted to hormone through enzymatic process. When prohormones get injected to body, the get metabolized to testosterone. Due to this, they are cause muscle and strength gains and exert effects similar to anabolic steroids.

Prohormones are considered as radar of controlled substances and there is some confusion caused because of statement given by Anti Doping Agency which considered them as functional equivalent of steroids. It was resolved that prohormones cause health risks for people suing them which state that there is very less difference between anabolic steroids and prohormones.

Before changes published in 2004, prohormones were considered as legal. They became very famous among bodybuilders and athletes who were upset by heavy legal penalties for using anabolic steroids and started using prohormones as they were considered legal and gave similar benefits. Consider the case of Mark McGWire who used androtenedione while it was considered as legal supplement. Androtenedione was generally considered as home run pill as McGwire and was produced as dietary supplement. Popular baseball players were using this drug during 1990's, but it's now illegal even in US military.

Legal steroids are produced under federal analog act and come under list of controlled substances on Schedule II and I. The drugs which are similar in structure and effect to controlled substances are classified under Controlled Substance Act. If you purchase anabolic steroids stating it's legal, you must ask questions since under Controlled Substance Act, it could be illegal if the chemical structure resembles an anabolic steroid. If it doesn't contain chemicals that behave like steroid, then you are sold some fake drugs for heavy money which is definitely a big loss for you.

A general question which prevails among users is whether it's illegal or legal to purchase steroids online from online pharmacies which function outside United States. As per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) you can purchase ninety day personal supply of anabolic steroids which is considered to be legal.

As per drug enforcement agency, in order to legally buy steroids based on prescription that is valid under state and federal law, you should provide the proof of bona fide relationship between patient and doctor that is defined through physical examination in majority of states. It's not sufficient to complete the question which will later get reviewed by online pharmacy. If the prescription drugs are not controlled substance and drug is imported from abroad to US that are shipped to any third party who is not registered under DEA, then such transactions are considered serious crime under violation of Sections 960 and 950 of Title 21 in US code.

There is some good news here since some legal steroid alternatives like protein powders or creatine that are legal and safe to use. Such nutritional supplements don't need any prescription and could be purchased legally as they are banned by sports organizations or government. They can definitely help you achieve strength and muscle mass. Hence, you have other legal options to improve your physique and muscle mass though substances like prohormones have been banned entirely.

May 15, 2015 Steroids-for-Sale.Com

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